About Our Logo
The mission of Hipéexnu' derives from the humanitarian actions of the late Dr. Horace Axtell, a Nimiipuu (Nez Perce), and a life-time resident of Idaho. Nimiipuutimt - the Nez Perce language and cultural ways are on the verge of extinction. This coincides with the ecosystems being endangered to destroyed - from the land to the water; mostly human causes.
The logo was derived from a photograph taken of Horace Axtell at Bighole Memorial in Montana. The Memorial is to honor the lives, losses, and triumphs of the Nez Perce People & remember the War of 1877. This picture was sent to his great grandson, Red Bear McCloud, to design this logo for Horace's memorial and special. There was a memorial and then a Men's Traditional Special that took place in honor of Horace, in 2016, at the Hiteemwaq'iisiwt Powwow on the Nez Perce Reservation.